On May 12, 13, and 14, the third stop of Borgo diVino in Tour 2023, the fine wine festival for an itinerant experience among the most beautiful villages of Italy.

NEIVE – After the start in Valvasone Arzene (PN) and the second stop in Egna (BZ), on Friday 12, Saturday 13, and Sunday 14 May, the village of Neive (CN), in the heart of the Langhe, will take the baton for the third stop of Borgo diVino in Tour, the traveling wine festival promoted by the Association “I Borghi più belli d’Italia” and organized by Valica, the first tourist marketing company in Italy, in collaboration with the Ecce Italia Consortium. TOURISM AND FOOD AND WINE: THE EXCELLENCE OF MADE IN ITALY Borgo diVino on Tour is a “widespread” event in which the public has the opportunity to get to know quality wines and taste them within particularly evocative contexts selected in the circuit of “I Borghi più belli d’Italia”, enhanced and usable in the overall tourist offer. Fifteen stages, in as many villages and regions of Italy, where tourism and food and wine come together to offer memorable travel and taste experiences. “After the success of the first edition of Borgo di Vino in Neive, it was practically natural to join the second edition – says Mayor Annalisa Ghella – We appreciated the public’s interest, the care in the installations, the organization of the assistance team. Neive has always been a destination for food and wine tourism thanks to its 4 DOC and DOCG wines, but on this occasion, a stimulating dialogue opens up with the other national wine excellences under the flag of ‘I Borghi più belli d’Italia’. This Association has grown over time, remaining always a reference for quality, and we are proud to have been part of it for many years. Thanks to the tourist office and the new proloco, we are sure we can offer visitors a completely immersive experience among the architectural beauties of our village and tastings of the best Italian wines”.

Neive is one of the four municipalities entitled to produce Barbaresco DOCG, the most elegant of the Nebbiolo-based wines, along with the municipalities of Barbaresco, Treiso, and San Rocco, and is also known as “the village of the 4 wines” for its 4 diamond points: Barbaresco, Barbera, Dolcetto, and Moscato. During the three-day event dedicated to good drinking, which will be held on Friday 12, Saturday 13, and Sunday 14 May 2023, visitors will have the opportunity to experience and admire the charm of Neive thanks to a well-rounded experience in the world of wine, beauty, and local culture. The event will take place from 6 pm to 11 pm on Friday 12 May, followed by two full days over the weekend: Saturday 13 from 12 pm to 11 pm and Sunday 14 May from 12 pm to 10 pm. The Borgo diVino tasting is very rich, characterized by a local and national offer, with hundreds of labels produced by over 30 participating wineries from Piedmont and other Italian regions such as Lombardy, Umbria, Tuscany, Abruzzo, Lazio, Molise, and Campania. In the historic center of Neive, a tasting route will be traced, touching the places of greatest tourist interest, with stands dedicated to the wineries and an original educational journey on the world of wine, narrated in about 20 exhibition panels.

During the event, visitors will also be able to savor and discover the authentic flavors and dishes of the most beautiful villages in Italy, thanks to a dedicated food area. Among the proposals, the “Tagliere dei Borghi più belli d’Italia” and other specialties of local activities such as “agnolotti del plin,” the typical Piedmontese stuffed pasta, or Abruzzese skewers. The initiative is part of the “MIB – Mercato Italiano dei Borghi,” a project in institutional cooperation between the Association “I Borghi più belli d’Italia” and “BMTI – Borsa Merci Telematica Italiana,” aimed at enhancing the typical and quality productions of the territories associated with the Association. HOW IT WORKS Flavors will blend with the territorial beauties of the most beautiful villages in Italy in a totalizing experience in the Italian food and wine world. To taste the wines, you need to purchase a voucher for €18 (both online and on-site), which entitles you to eight different tastings. A kit consisting of a tasting glass and a pouch will accompany the visitor throughout the event. A 20% discount on the ticket is available for all single regional Trenitalia ticket holders, used and validated to reach the event location. The gastronomic proposals can be purchased on-site. For information and voucher purchase, you can visit the website https://www.borgodivino.it/neive/.

“Through the tasting of wines and unique local products,” says Fiorello Primi, President of the Association “I Borghi più belli d’Italia,” “Borgo diVino aims to enhance the territories and the work of skilled farmers and artisans who are one of the pillars of the national economy. The beauty of the villages and the goodness of the products are a great opportunity for travelers interested in discovering typicality and culture in places where the charm of the ancient blends perfectly with contemporary life. A unique opportunity of its kind, which is worth taking advantage of for a weekend dedicated to good living, good drinking, and good eating.” “Borgo diVino is a national itinerant event capable of blending tourism with the food and wine experience, bringing together producers and enthusiasts in fabulous and unique contexts such as the most beautiful villages in Italy. The aim of the tour,” concludes Luca Cotichini of Valica, “is the promotion of tourism and food and wine. This year we will touch the national territory through 15 events from north to south. With Borgo diVino, Valica creates another format capable of providing authentic experiences to our wide audience that follows us on various sites.”

THE PROMOTERS The Association “I Borghi più belli d’Italia” was founded in 2001 within the Tourism Council of A.N.C.I., with the aim of enhancing the great heritage of history, art, culture, environment, and traditions present in small Italian centers that are, for the most part, marginalized by mass tourism. To date, it includes 349 municipalities, representing the most authentic Italy, as they are custodians of atmospheres, scents, and flavors capable of elevating “typicality” to a lifestyle to be “tasted” with all senses.

THE ORGANIZERS Valica is the leading company in Italy for tourist and food and wine “suggestions.” A true Travel & Food data developer, with over 60 sites making up a network of 10 million unique users, 25 million page views each month, 4 million followers on social media, and 4.5 million direct contacts. Valica has been continuously expanding for 15 years, in terms of business and relationships, positioning itself as the leading tourism marketing company on the Italian market.

Ecce Italia was founded in 2013 as a network of companies operating within the circuit of the most beautiful villages in Italy to enhance the productive and food and wine heritage of these territories. It operates under the brand I Borghi più belli d’Italia for the creation of new commercial opportunities and visibility for small and medium-sized enterprises in the villages – whose productions are synonymous with quality, tradition, environmental sustainability, and local culture – and in the food and wine sector for the promotion of typical village cuisine.