Crowning Glory: A Petite and Refined Collection of Passito Wines Completes This Canavese Treasure

BORGOMASINO – Nestled in the picturesque village of Borgomasino in Piedmont, North Italy, La Palera is more than just a small family winery; it’s a testament to the deep-rooted passion for nature, tradition, and exquisite wines. Owned and operated by Franco Bellardi and his wife Giovanna, La Palera embodies the art of winemaking where every bottle tells a story of history, dedication, and the enchanting terroir of the region.

A Journey Through Erbaluce Wine

At the heart of La Palera’s offerings lies the Erbaluce wine, a true gem that reflects the essence of the Piedmont region. The grape harvest begins in the third week of September, a carefully chosen time to capture the grapes at their peak ripeness. The gentle pressing process preserves the grape’s primary aromas, resulting in a stunning straw-yellow wine with hints of green. Delicate notes of flowers and aromatic herbs dance on the nose, while the palate experiences a refreshing citrusy burst with a subtle, satisfying bitterness, making it a perfect companion for dishes like perch or whitefish.

Erbaluce wine is renowned for its unique characteristics, and it holds a prestigious status as one of the 19 DOCG wines of Piedmont, representing the region’s commitment to excellence in winemaking.

A Time-Honored Tradition

To truly appreciate Erbaluce wine is to delve into the rich history and legends that surround it. The story begins in the pre-Roman settlement nestled at the foothills surrounding Lake Viverone. Here, the soil, morainic in origin, boasts a pebbly surface layer that, combined with the favorable microclimate influenced by the lake, produces grapes bursting with aromatic complexity.

Legend has it that Erbaluce’s origins can be traced back to the lower Monferrato, and though its roots may be elusive in that region today, it remains an indigenous grape variety with ancient ties. The Salassi, a Ligurian-Gallic tribe predating the Romans, cultivated and vinified it, leaving an indelible mark on the local viticulture.

The first documented references to Erbaluce wine date back to 1606, found in the writings of Giovan Battista Croce, a jeweler who marveled at the grapes’ brilliance, describing them as “gems that shine with large, dense, and abundant grains.”

Not just Erbaluce

La Palera produces also the Gran Peru Rosso Canavese DOC that is a distinctive red wine, crafted from a blend of diverse grape varieties. It prominently features 85% Barbera, while the remaining 15% is a mix of Nebbiolo, Uva Rara, and Neiret. This wine boasts a deep ruby-red hue, enriched with purplish highlights. Its aroma is powerfully intense and harmonious, evoking hints of red berries and plums. On the palate, it’s fresh, dry, and soft. Its warm profile releases delightful notes of plum and sour cherry, creating an enveloping sensation.

A perfect companion for traditional Canavese dishes. Pair it with Piemontese mixed fry, Bagna Cauda, Capunet, and bread and cabbage soup for an authentic experience.

La Palera also produces two genuine gems from the region: the Vermuth di Torino FraGiò in both red and white versions, a true excellence that deserves a deeper look in a future article.

La Palera’s Accolades

La Palera’s dedication to crafting exceptional Erbaluce wines has not gone unnoticed. At Vinitaly 2023, their efforts were rewarded with accolades, including a remarkable score of 92/100 for the Erbaluce di Caluso DOCG Passito La Fiorita 2018. The 2017 vintage of the same passito wine earned an impressive 91/100, while the Erbaluce di Caluso DOCG Cino 2019 garnered a well-deserved 90/100 and the 2021 vintage a solid 87/100.

These awards highlight La Palera’s commitment to producing wines of the highest quality.

Additionally, the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and Slow Food Italy recognized La Palera as the Maestro del Gusto for 2023-2024, further underscoring the winery’s dedication to preserving tradition and crafting exceptional wines.
La Palera is also a proud member of Torino DOC the wine selection created by the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and its Chemical Laboratory, in collaboration with the Regional Wine Cellar of the Province of Turin.

An Interview with Franco Bellardi

To gain deeper insights into La Palera’s journey and vision, we sat down with Franco Bellardi.

Franco, can you tell us about La Palera and its significance to you and your family?

“Certainly. La Palera is more than a winery; it’s a piece of our family’s history and heritage.” Explaines Franco Bellardi.
” Our connection to nature and our love for tradition have been instrumental in shaping our winemaking philosophy. We offer the Erbaluce di Caluso on two different styles: Cino, which undergoes vinification in steel, and the Cino Prestige, aged in fine wood barrels. Each represents a unique expression of the Erbaluce grape, catering to diverse palates.”

A very special mention goes to the passito wine you produre here at La Palera in Borgomasino.

“Our primary goal is to revive the historical variety of Passito wines, paying homage to the traditions of our small village, Borgomasino. We want to bring the essence of the past into every bottle.

“We take immense pride in crafting the La Fiorita Passito di Caluso DOCG from white Erbaluce grapes. It is a special gem made from the best grape clusters after drying on racks which extends until the end of February or early March. After fermentation, it ages up to five years, in the reserve version, in fine oak barrels. It pairs best with dry pastries, traditional amaretti, canestrelli cookies, the local “spiced roll”, and strong blue cheeses.
We also produce the Calycanthus, a red passito wine made from grapes of Barbera from our cru “il Chioso” dried in the “ala moda veja” or old-fashioned way, preserving the rich flavors of the past. It is the vineyard that once belonged to my grandmother, we only produce about 200 bottles of it.”

How do you ensure the authenticity and preservation of flavors during the grape drying process?

“Authenticity is crucial to us. During the grape harvest, we hang the bunches in the “passitaia,” a traditional method that allows the grapes to naturally dry. Subsequently, we age the grapes in wooden barrels within our tuff wine cellar, preserving the essence of the terroir.” Concludes Franco Bellardi.

La Palera is not just a winery; it’s a living testament to the intricate relationship between tradition, terroir, and craftsmanship. Through their passion for nature, wines, and the preservation of historical winemaking techniques, Franco Bellardi and Giovanna have created a range of exceptional Erbaluce wines that are a true reflection of their heritage and dedication to excellence.

Visit La Palera website