Precision Viticulture: Polyscan’s Role in Enhancing Grape Harvesting Techniques

SCHIO – In the heart of Italy’s wine region, technological advancements are transforming the traditional grape harvest into a highly sophisticated process. Vinventions has introduced Polyscan, an innovative tool that redefines the optimal timing for grape harvest, thereby enhancing wine quality.

Vinventions developed Polyscan with the aim of providing winemakers with a straightforward and easily applicable method for monitoring grape maturity. This advanced tool identifies the cessation of sugar accumulation in grape berries, a critical indicator marking the onset of various aromatic sequences during ripening.

The Smart Solution for Precision Viticulture

Polyscan is a smart device that offers advanced decision support by connecting to a central database. It identifies the optimal aromatic windows during grape maturation and provides detailed guides to users. With accurate data analysis, winemakers can rely on continuous and precise monitoring, backed by the expertise of Vinventions specialists.

The Polyscan utilizes voltammetry to assess polyphenol levels, which are crucial for predicting the stability and oxidative potential of wines. Additionally, the Color tool, designed to provide precise analysis and recommendations for wine color management, uses reflectance colorimetry to deliver accurate color measurements that align with human visual perception. Both tools are portable and user-friendly, delivering rapid results ideal for use in the winery.

Enhancing Harvest Decisions

Polyscan is an invaluable ally for winemakers, enabling them to optimize harvest decisions based on the specific objectives of each vineyard plot. It allows for weekly maturity checks directly in the vineyard, whether for white grape varieties like Chardonnay, with aromatic profiles evolving from citrus to white and yellow fruits, or for red varieties. Polyscan provides precise indications of aromatic windows, improving the quality of the final product.

With Polyscan, producers can determine the harvest date more accurately based on the desired aromatic profile, ensuring a final product of the highest quality. In an increasingly competitive market, it is essential for producers to control every element to guarantee a wine that meets quality standards and consumer expectations.

Industry Engagement and Knowledge Sharing

To showcase the capabilities of this innovative tool, Vinventions recently organized a technical webinar focused on advanced color management in rosé wines. The event presented the latest innovations from Vinventions, including the Polyscan and Color tools.

During the webinar, challenges of maintaining the color stability of rosé wines and the impact of SO2 on wine color were discussed. The webinar video is available, upon registration, here: Webinar Video.

Vinventions’ Commitment to Enological Excellence

Vinventions, a global leader in innovative and sustainable closure solutions, stands out as an enological expert, supporting winemakers throughout the vinification process with its Wine Quality Solutions (WQS) range. Among these, the well-known Nomasense O2 portable oxygen analyzer is now complemented by new decision support tools.

With the introduction of Polyscan, Vinventions continues to lead the way in providing winemakers with the technology and tools needed to achieve excellence in wine production. This revolution in grape harvesting marks a significant step forward in the industry, promising enhanced quality and precision for winemakers around the world.