BOLOGNA – The 12th edition of the Mercato dei Vini dei Vignaioli Indipendenti, organized for the first time at BolognaFiere by the Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers (FIVI), has set a new record with its remarkable success. This event, held in the vibrant city of Bologna, marks a significant milestone in the world of independent winemaking, attracting an impressive 985 winemakers and over 26,000 visitors across three days.

A Debut Success in Bologna

The anticipation for the first Bologna edition of the Mercato dei Vini was high, and the results did not disappoint. With a constant stream of visitors and high satisfaction levels among both exhibitors and attendees, the event successfully highlighted the role of independent winemakers as custodians of agriculture and territorial maintenance. The new spaces at BolognaFiere provided an ideal setting for the event, ensuring a festive atmosphere conducive to tastings and discussions.

Quality and Authenticity at the Forefront

Lorenzo Cesconi, President of FIVI, expressed immense satisfaction with the event’s success in Bologna. Emphasizing authenticity and quality, Cesconi noted that these are the foundational elements of the Mercato dei Vini, which has become one of Italy’s most important wine events. The stands, randomly allocated to ensure fairness and democracy, showcased the sincere quality of the wines presented by the independent vintners.

A Celebration of Independent Winemaking

BolognaFiere President Gianpiero Calzolari echoed the positive sentiment, noting the enthusiasm surrounding the event and its contribution to reinforcing BolognaFiere’s role as a premier exhibition center for sustainable and high-quality wines. The Mercato dei Vini was not only a celebration but also an important moment of dialogue among industry professionals, resonating warmly with the city of Bologna.

Record Attendance and Engagement

This year’s edition saw an increase in visitor numbers, with more than 2,000 additional entries compared to the previous edition. The event attracted attention from industry operators, restaurateurs, wine shop owners, and small foreign traders, thanks to Bologna’s central location. The success of the event was further amplified by extensive media coverage and lively social media activity, with thousands of photos and videos shared online.

FIVI’s Annual Assembly and Awards

The Mercato dei Vini also hosted the annual assembly of FIVI members, which was more attended than in previous years. A key focus of the assembly was the maintenance of the territory and the vital role of winemakers in this regard. The assembly concluded with the presentation of the “Leonildo Pieropan” 2023 award to Emidio Pepe, a long-standing FIVI member and winemaker in Abruzzo, and the new “Vignaiolo come noi” award to musician Stefano Belisari, aka Elio.

Looking Forward

The Mercato dei Vini dei Vignaioli Indipendenti has once again proven to be a pivotal event for the Italian wine industry, celebrating the passion, dedication, and excellence of independent winemakers. As it looks towards the future, the Mercato dei Vini continues to foster a deep connection between wine, culture, and the sustainable stewardship of the land.